Visit Simeulue Island in Aceh The Other Beauty In A Tip Of The Archipelago

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Simeulue, is a district in Aceh and an archipelago that consist of 41 large and small islands. The beauty of these islands makes many tourists give visit, and Simeulue island becomes the largest of 41 islands in this archipelago. This island reach an area of ??199 502 hectares and it becomes tourists favorite destination, for it has high waves and clean sea. Those who like to surf and play with adrenaline, this place is such a heaven.

Simeulue island or Simalur island is located in western Sumatra. It located approximately in 150 km off the west coast of Aceh, it is also the island of Simeulue district administration, that settled in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Its geographical position isolated from the mainland.

The island is popular with cloves plantation, palm oil and lobster as the main commodity. The population of the region are similar to Nias tribes, characterized by yellow skin and slanted eyes like Chinese and they have different language with the mainland of Aceh, and most of the people are Muslim.

There is a small airport on Simuelue Island located at Sinabang. There are 2 airlines that fly from Medan, Merpati Air and Susi Air. Merpati Air have direct flights from Medan to Sinabang on Simeulue Island. While, Susi Air have daily flights from Medan to Sinnabang Simeulue. You can also catch a ferry from Meulaboh in Aceh on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6pm for a 12 hour trip to Simuelue Island. There are also ferries that running from Singkil in North Sumatra to Simuelue or you can charter a boat from Nias or Banyak Islands. After get arrive in the island, there is not a great deal of accommodation on Pulau Simeulue, but we can still explore the island.



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