Gapang & Iboih, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam - Indonesia

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Weh Island (Sabang) is famous for its beautiful underwater scenery.
The beauty of the underwater scenery can be found in Gapang and Iboih with quiet beaches. There we can clearly see the coral reefs and colorful fish that are not found elsewhere, both in domestic and world. Coral reefs are not as good at Iboih Gapang but has more species of fish. Turtles, which can be found on the right side, almost always seen when bersnorkel in Gapang. The best coral reefs can be found on the beach. The absence of currents make these beaches safer for swimming activity and the size of the coastline is longer than the Coast Iboih.

Iboih marine tourism area is the coastal resorts are very popular with underwater sports activities, such as swimming, diving and snorkeling while enjoying the diversity of coral reefs, ornamental fishes and reef fish, including Angel Fish, Surgeon Fish, Parrot Fish, Fish and Napoleon variety of other fish species. This region is also supported by the facilities, infrastructure and tourism forests with a wealth of beautiful flora and fauna.

Gapang famous beaches with white sand and there is a monument KM 001 is a manifestation of the Republic of Indonesia that Indonesia stretches from the "Track".



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