Mangkai island

by 8:22 PM 0 comments

Mangkai island is one of the outermost islands that located in the group of Anambas Islands. This hilly island is having white sandy beaches and rocky land. On the next to Mangkai island there is also a small Mangkai island in smaller size. The island is inhabited only by the lighthouse keeper and the Navy.

Administratively, this islands are part to the area of Keramut village, Jemaja districts, Natuna Regency, Riau Islands province. The island is located in the Natuna Sea and it borders to Malaysia.

To access Mangkai island, it can begin from Batam to Palmatak, which is the capital of the island of Matak by small plane. It can be continue by renting a speedboat to Letung, the capital of Jemaja districts. Then, we can rent another medium-sized motor boat to the island Mangkai for about 1.5 hours drive.

In addition, the trip can also be reached by ferry which departed from Tanjungpinang. These ferry boats operate every four days, which is KM. Bukit Raya and KM. Lawit. From Tanjungpinang, the ship will directly goes to Letung – Tarempa and Natuna. The journey from Tanjungpinang to Letung takes about 8 hours.



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