Kemaro Island, The Mate Island - Palembang

by 7:15 PM 0 comments

Kemaro island, is a little delta on Musi River, it is located about 6 km from Ampera Bridge. Kemaro island is located in the industrial area, between Sriwijaya Fertilizer Plant and Pertamina Plaju and River Gerong . Kemaro island is about 40 km from the city of Palembang. The island is a place of popular recreation along the Musi River. In this place there is a Chinese temple ( Hok Tjing Rio temple). Kemaro Island is also a home of Buddhist temples that frequently visited by Buddhists to pray or to visit the tomb. There are also frequent Cap Go Meh event that being held every New Year.

The most attractive destination at Kemaro island is the nine stories Pagoda that located in the middle of the island. The building was newly constructed in 2006. Moreover, there is a tree that popularly said as Pohon Cinta or Tree of Love. This tree was a symbol of the ancient love between Siti Fatimah, a Srivijaya princess and Prince Tan Bun An, a prince from China. It said that those couple were carve their names into the tree and the finally live happily in their marriage. Hence, since the urban legend came up, Kemaro island became famous as Pulau Jodoh or Mate Island.



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