Tuangku Island, The Largest Island In Banyak Archipelago

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Tuangku island is one of biggest islands in Banyak archipelago that located in Indian Ocean or precisely located in the west tip of Sumatra Island.

Administratively, this island is located in Banyak Island, Aceh Singkil regency, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. The local inhabitants that live in this island are the ethnics of Nias, Batak, Aceh, Sinabung and Aceh Singkil indigenous. Those inhabitants are mostly working as fisherman and exploit the nature’s richness around the island.

Near to the island, there are numbers of other closest islands that can also be visited like Pulau Bangkaru Sarangalu, Balai, Palambak Besar, Palambak Kecil, Pinang and Ujungbatu island. There are all beautiful.

Those who visit Tuangku island can enjoy the green bluish atmosphere between the ocean and the forest. Meanwhile, those who are addicted to outdoor activity can enjoy surfing or canoeing.



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