Enjoy The Sunset at The Eumpee Nulu Beach

by 6:33 AM 0 comments

Soft white sand, red light from the Sun is about to sink, and sound waves is the perfect blend to start enjoying the sunset on the beach show Eumpee Nulu, Aceh Besar district.

Along with the return of the sun into dusk and the faint voices chant the azan maghrib, the sky above the beach will be filled with thousands of bats that started its activities. A voice boomed in the air wings, unique maneuvers were displayed. Waves as a dance music to accompany the animals sky this evening.

From behind the rock on the shoreline Eumpee Nulu, the movement of thousands of bats is always the main attraction is awaited every traveler to enjoy the blue water after Eumpee Nulu. When turned dark, the body can berisitirahat in a number of bungalows available. Want to feel the atmosphere is more exotic? White sand ready to be warm for a rug to lie on it.

Empee Nulu is part of the coastline and Lampuuk Lhoknga famous beauty. This beach is located in the district of Aceh Besar and become one of the tourists who visited Aceh. Were destroyed by the 2004 tsunami wave hit the past, the beach is now up to the aura kemolekannya. Destruction of the squash and the surrounding beach life as no trace.

Empee Nulu resurrection among others initiated by a local boy named Joel. Some of the bungalows that lined the shore was built by him. To complete it, Joel is also opening a restaurant with a menu mainstay Pizza Italian, in addition to the native menu.

According to Joel, the beautiful beaches Empee Nulu make sure it will be visited by many people. His confidence was evident when the number of foreign flagged ships docked there. Almost every month, two to three medium-sized sailing ship stopped in the region. Besides enjoying the beauty, some tourists seemed to enjoy the waves with a surfboard.

Eumpee Nulu are in line with Coast Coast Lhoknga Lampuuk and are not less beautiful. Even since last year, Lampuuk beach known for its grilled fish is fragrant and delicious, also a turtle conservation area. Location of these beaches are just 12-13 kilometers from the center of the capital of Banda Aceh. Make sure you come to these shores when in Aceh, both to enjoy the blue sea, white sand beach, or eloknya evening performances in the sky.



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