Visit Lampuuk Beach in Aceh

by 6:29 AM 0 comments

This beach had ever been neglected because of the tsunami brunt on 2006, but now it has already been crowded visited by tourist, especially on the weekend. The tourists who come to the beach are not only from the local tourists but also from foreign tourists.

Natural panoramic beauty of the beach becomes the magnet for the tourist. White sand that lies on the beach makes it more gorgeous. Besides that, tourists who come there can also swimming, sun-bathing, fishing, sailing, surfing, and even diving while enjoying the beauty of its underwater.

Another attraction from this tourist area is its Golf Course Seulawah with panoramic ocean background. In addition to, tourist can also enjoy the beauty of panoramic sunset that will make the beauty of the beach look more exotic.

Lampuuk Beach is located in Lhoknga sub district, Aceh Besar Regency, Aceh Province. The distance from the city of Banda Aceh is only 20 km that makes the access to this beach resort easier.

For the tourists who prefer to go by private vehicle, the line that can be passed is line of Banda Aceh – Calang (Aceh Jaya) that only takes at least 20 minutes. Meanwhile, tourists who prefer to take public transportation may take urban public transportation direction of Banda Aceh – Lhoknga that takes 35 minutes.

After the tsunami brunt, all the facilities and accommodations which are available in this beach resort also destroyed. Even so, tourists who come the beach resort do not have to worry about that because they are able to get lodging, restaurant, and other facilities in the city of Banda Aceh that are not too far from the beach resort.



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