Visit Tanjung Pesona Beach, Bangka and Belitung - Indonesia

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Tanjung Pesona is the beach in Bangka island. The beauty of Tanjung Pesona beach charm with fine white sand, clear sea water with the waves are tame, the shade of palm tree lined along the coastline, and views of a small gazebo on top of sea water associated with a slender bridge to the beach, which seems to have is a landmark for this beach.

Tanjung Pesona Beach is located in the village of Rabak, Sungai Liat District, about 9 km from the city of Sungai Liat. Very large parking lot, shielded from the sting of the sun by palm leaves and visitors can also enjoy the scenery with a ride around the Delman (wagon).

Large rocks which lie beautifully on the banks of Tanjung Pesona Beach, and seems to be the one characteristic for the beaches on the island of Bangka. Large rock at Tanjung Pesona Beach is a good place to sit relax and also a good place as a base to try their luck with fishing.

3-star hotels are available at Tanjung Pesona Beach to your stay if you want to enjoy the scenery and atmosphere of the beach in the morning or at the end of twilight, before exploring other interesting places on the Bangka island.

Location :
Tanjung Pesona Beach is located in the village of Rabak, Sungai Liat District, about 9 km from the city of Sungai Liat.



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