Visit Penyak Beach in Bangka Belitung - Indonesia

by 10:31 PM 0 comments

Penyak beach attraction is the beach attractions are located in the District of Koba, Bangka regency center, privinsi bangka belitung, precisely located at the edge of Pangkalpinang cross-Koba Way, Long Beach penyak reaches 3 km. Penyak beach has become one of the monitoring in the event of a total solar eclipse of 1986 which was visited by eclipse observers from within and outside the country.

Conditions of a sloping beach and is right on the edge of the highway is the main attraction so it is always crowded when libur.Padahal day, the beach area penyakini still minimal support facilities provided by the manager penyak coast.

Penyak beach is a beach community pride Penyak. In addition it has a beautiful beach of sea scenery charming hospitality is also accompanied by polite society full of tenderness greet nan.

For visitors who want to visit this beach. Do not bother to reach the beach, located along the village street this Penyak. Only by traveling approximately 35 minutes from downtown Pangkalpinang, then the visitors will be greeted with the captivating beauty of the famous beaches with soft sand of this beach.



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