Reusam Island, Aceh Jaya - Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

by 12:00 AM 0 comments

It is a place of recreation for the people of Aceh Jaya on holidays because it is supported by a panorama of beautiful nature and circumstances with pine trees that shade, clean white sand beaches, ocean swimming and snorkeling place ramps, see the beautiful coral reefs and a variety of ornamental fish colorful, can also induce a kind of reef fishes and other gerapu. In addition, the island is also historical evidence that is storing the old cannon relics of the colonial Dutch and Japan as a bulwark of the enemies of the state.

To reach the island is available boat and speed boat in the village community and village Batee Tutong Rigaih with sailing time 15 minutes, from the district capital (Calang) within 4



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