Lhok Nga Beach in Nangro Aceh Darussalam

by 11:58 PM 0 comments

The stretch of beautiful white sand in Lhok Nga makes this beach becomes of the most tourist destination in Aceh. Moreover, tourists who visit there may find diverse of white coral and snail in its sandy beach.

Besides enjoying the beauty of beach scenery while sitting and playing sandy beach; tourist can also fishing, snorkeling, sun bathing, and swimming. But one thing that should be paid attention for women travelers that they are not allowed to swimming with bikini.

Its wave height can reach 3 km that become an attraction for tourist who love surfing. For tourists who do not bring their own surfboard do not have to worry because at the sea shore lots of rental services for surfboard.

Another beauty that can be enjoyed by tourist is the atmosphere of quiet beach in the afternoon. This exoticism becomes more perfect with the beautiful panorama from the sun which is slowly disappearing on the western horizon.

Lhok Nga beach is located in Lhoknga sub district, Aceh Besar regency. The location which is close to Lampuuk Beach make this tourist area can be reached through Banda Aceh – Calang lane. The distance of Lhok Nga beach from the city of Banda Aceh is quite far compared with Lampuuk beach that is 22 km. To go there may take 40 minutes by urban public transportation. While if the tourists go there by private vehicle; it only takes 25 minutes.

It is not too different from Lampuuk beach; most of the facilities in the tourist are destroyed by tsunami. Even so, the tourists do not need to worry about food and drink. Along the beach there are lots of stalls sell food and beverages. While for the tourists who want to lodge; they had better go to the city of Banda Aceh.



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