Nasi Island in Aceh, A Blissfull Island For The Residents

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Pulau Nasi or Nasi Island is an island in just north of Aceh, 15km away from Banda Aceh. Nasi in Indonesian means rice. If you are visiting Pulau Weh you will only be able to charter a boat directly to Pulau Nasi. It will be cheaper to catch the ferry back to Banda Aceh and get one of the public ferries to Pulau Nasi.

Administratively, this island is part of Aceh Island subdistrict, Aceh Besar regency. Nasi Island is divided into 5 villages that all of them are people’s residents.

Pulo Nasi has the best beaches in Pulo Aceh. The best ones on Pulo Nasi are Pasi Raye, Nipah and Lamtadu. Pasi Raye is very secluded, and we to climb a bit to reach the area. The forest behind it has Rusa Deer that sometimes comes down to the beach. The beach is open to the west and it has big waves.

The most significant sightseeing of this island is taken from the sea panoramic with the flattering coconut trees, white sandy beach sheet and beautiful sloping beach. This island is perfect spot to have beautiful escape. Moreover, for those who like to do outdoor activities, can enjoy snorkeling and diving in this island.

More about Nasi Island, this magnificent island is also has gigantic cliff over the beaches, it seems like the ruin for the past. The residents of this island is abundantly can have the benefits from the seafood products like fishes, octopus or cuttlefish. In other words, this island is a such a bless for the people around.



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