Bangkaru Island in Aceh The Home Of The Turttles

by 11:52 PM 0 comments

Bangkaru island is part of Banyak archipelago that located in Hindia Ocean, at west side of Sumatra Island. Administratively, this island in belongs to Banyak island sud district, Aceh Singkil regency, Nanggro Aceh Darussalam.

To reach this island can be ride motor boat for 5 hours drive from Singkil, or it takes only less than an hour from Banyak Island. The beaches at this island are Amandangan and Pelanggaran beach, which is the place of green turtle lay egg, leatherback and hawksbill. The tourists that come along to these beaches can also enjoy surfing, which at certain time, the wave at this ocean can reach 5 meters high.

There are a lot of islands that close to one at another, and the closest island from Bangkaru is Tuanku, Sarangalu and Balai island.

Pulau Bangkaru, is the second biggest island in Pulau Banyak, and it is a magical island. The beauty of Pulau Bangkaru is not only about the clear blue sky and enchanting blue ocean, it also about the untouched jungles, pristine beaches and the amazing turtles. The only creature that living in this big island was the turtle egg poachers. Today there are few guards and researchers that stay to watch over the turtles.

Every Day, there are guards patrolling the island to assess the sea turtles that come along to the island, and also the inhabitant turtles. These Patrols carried out 3 times; morning at 8:00 to 11:00, night at 20:00 to 23:00 and at 11:00 p.m. to 2:00. In addition to record patrol aims to protect the eggs from predators such as lizards.



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