Pulau Kepala, Riau Archipelago

by 8:31 PM 0 comments

Pulau Kepala or Head Island is one of the outermost islands in Indonesia, it located in the Natuna sea or part of the South China Sea and bordering the east Malaysian state. Head Island is a territory of the Natuna regency, Riau Islands province. This island is also the nearest island to Serasan islands, and it located in the northwest of West Kalimantan province. Administratively, the island is located in the Nusa village, District Serasan, Natuna Regency, Riau Islands province.

Pulau Kepala is looks like a stretch of white sand stone with palm trees. At the center of the island there is 30 meters high lighthouse which was built as a sign that the island is owned by Indonesia.

To reach the Head Island is quite easy because there are lot of boats / fishing boats that from the fishing activities around the island. Head Island can be reached by fishing boat from the dock Serasan for about 3 hours drive with an average speed of 8-9 knots.

Pulau Kepala is very sloping island with the 2 m height above sea level. It has Rocky and sandy beaches, with the depth of the waters around 1-6 meters, while the depth of the waters in distant areas from the island can reach more than 15 meters.



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