Visit Rebo Beach, Sungailiat - Bangka Belitung - Indonesia

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Rebo Beach is located in the village of Rebo, Kenanga Village, Sungailiat district, Bangka regency. The coastline that stretches for tens of kilometers to the texture of hilly land that make this beach ideal location to enjoy the sunrise. Expanse of granite boulders that stand in various positions to make our visit more enjoyable because these rocks seemed to provide a table and even a bed, do not have to worry about luggage polluted by sand as well as for camping in between these rocks.

From a distance looks dozens of floating mine on the sea surface, and so the day started to move afternoon, some of which started to operate and make noises from vacuum of sand are still a lot of containing lead.

Rebo beach is only about 8 km from City Sungailiat, capital of Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province. This beach is actually a marine tourism area that formerly developed by the District Government of Bangka. Unfortunately due to lack of attention, Rebo beach massacred nearly devastated by unconventional mine and ashore unconventional mine . In addition it also once operates the suction vessel at this region. Former excavation, ditches and sedimentation of sand make a beach Rebo not as pretty as before.

In the past (1990s) in the coastal region was built as a place to moor a boat dock and fishing huts, built as a place to relax and take shelter while enjoying the beauty of the beach. Set in the green Rebo hill, white sand and clear blue sea water, Rebo Beach be one important asset of nautical tourism in Bangka regency at that time.

Now the huts that have changed the function of the residence, unkempt unconventional mine workers who mostly come from outside the island of Bangka. Only in recent years tin mining has destroyed the beauty of this beach.

About 4 km from the beach right in front of the Rebo Beach (the east) there is a coral reef area is very beautiful. Indeed, not all people know this location. Only fishermen and some local residents who know about it. If you use a fishing boat, about 20 minutes we had reached the site. Local fishermen call it “Karang Kering”.

Coral species Acropora formosa (brown), Coral Montipora species aequituberculata, Amphiprion melanopus and ocellaris magnifica contained in the Karang Kering area of Rebo Beach Sungailiat, Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province. Reefs in this area visible when sea water is low and closed at high tide. Reef area about 2 acres to be dominated by coral species Acropora formosa (brown), which has a type of branching growth and coral species Montipora aequituberculata who have type foliose. encountered plancii Acanthaster (crown of thorns) and Diadema sp (sea urchin), met Tridacna sp which is a type of coral reef marine protected by endangered species. The area of ​​coral reefs in the Coast Rebo including rich with coral fish species such as Lutjanus sp., Angelfishes, butterflyfishes, Abudefdu vaigiensis, parrotfishes and Amphiprion. Also found are anemone (softcoral), sponges, gastropods and marine life typical of other reefs.

Not far from the beach Rebo, with along the coastline toward the town of Sungailiat will be found Parai Tenggiri Beach is located in the village of Sinar Baru, Sungailiat. Is the one beach that has been tilled seriously as an integrated tourism area, Parai Tenggiri Beach is equipped with Parai Beach Resort and Spa which is 4 star and Parai Pool Villa Resort and Spa is a 5-star. This place has also been equipped with Martha Tilaar Salon and Day Spa, perfect for relaxation and escape from any fatigue.

Location :
Rebo Beach is located in the village of Rebo, Kenanga Village, Sungailiat district, Bangka regency.



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