Visit Pasir Padi Beach in Pangkalpinang - Bangka Belitung

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Talk about Beach Tour, Bangka Island has many beaches that are very beautiful and fascinating. One of the beaches that keep the beauty and engagingly is Pasir Padi Beach. Pasir Padi Beach is located in Kelurahan Air Itam about 8 miles from Pangkalpinang city. That beach is one of the gorgeous beaches of Bangka Island. The beach that has a coastline of approximately 300 meters with a stretch of white sand along the 2 mile is unique because the structure of a sloping beaches and dense sand contours so that the beach is convenient to travel by foot even passable with motorcycle and car.

The most southern part of this beach is also connected with Tanjung Bunga Beach which include district of Kabupaten Bangka Tengah. There’s no different between The beauty of Pasir Padi Beach with other beaches around the Bangka Island. Pasir Padi Beach tourist area which also overlooks the South China Sea is a typical white sandy beach relaxing with the waves are very calm. The beaches that very gentle slope is still very clean and natural because the soil and water pollution levels are not too big on the coastal environment.

Pasir Padi Beach atmosphere

Pasir Padi Beach is the most visited by Pangkalpinang people and surrounding communities. Besides enjoying the beautiful coastal scenery, tourists can swim, play kite, beach volleyball, soccer, motor cross or just enjoy just for relax while enjoy the atmosphere of the beach

Not far from the beach there is a small island called Punan Island which can be visited on foot when the water receded. In addition there are two small islands located about 2 miles and can reach with fishermen sailboats. The name of Two island are: Panjang Island and the Semujur Island. We could see the bustle of the fishermen and families buy and enjoy their catch such as fish, crabs, on Panjang Island. Another case in which Semujur island is still quiet and unspoiled.

Pasir Padi Beach facilities

Pasir Padi Beach area is equipped with adequate number of facilities, along the beach there are restaurants that provide seafood such as fish, crabs, squid, mussels and others with relatively low prices. Besides, you do not need to stay in the city of Pangkalpinang if you want to spend time on the beach all day, Because in Pasir Padi beach area have Serrata Terrace Hotel which located in Pasir Padi Beach.

Tour de Bangka Favorite
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