Visit the Beautiful Babi Island in Bangka Belitung Indonesia

by 6:15 AM 0 comments

Pulau Babi or Pig Island is located in Hindia Ocean, at west side of Sumtra Island. This magnificent island is precisely located near Tuangku island in west, Simeulue island in southeast and Lasia island in south. Wes can see other islands in one and another for it close and reachable.

This island is has characteristic landscape with full of white sandy beach, the expanse of granite rocks, the prairie green grass and palm trees over the area. Historically, the name of Babi / pig island was taken from one of the granite shape which shows the pig look alike.

Babi Island is divided in two parts, which is Babi Baby and Babi Babon, which means Small Pig and Big Pig. Those two area are close to each other and having majestic and unique sightseeing. By the existence of giant granites over the beach and the small forest at the edge of the island, make Babi island becomes more tremendous.

This island is still uninhabited, that also makes the island still virgin and genuine. Hence, this is the perfect spot to go camping and enjoy the private vacation.

To reach Babi Island, we can start from the down town to Tanjung Kelayang or Tanjung Tinggi. The journey can be continue by using motor boat as a main access to the islands around. We can rent the boat with Rp. 300.000 -350.000, not including the buoy and snorkeling equipment.



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