The Anai Golf and Mountain Resort

by 4:34 PM 0 comments

The Anai Golf and Mountain Resort is set in beautiful green and natural surrounds. Located in West Sumatra, a region renowned for its natural beauty and forested mountains, it is the beauty of the location that makes this resort and golf course truly unique.

While the natural beauty here is magnificent, golf is really the main attraction here though. Designed by Thomson, Wolveridge and Perret in 1996 the resorts golf course was specifically planned to conserve the natural surrounds as much as possible. The length of this eighteen-hole course spans 5,552 meters. While you are challenging yourself on the 72 par course, you can enjoy beautiful panoramic views of Mount Tandikat, Mount Merapi and Mount Singgalang.

The temperature here is hot making it the perfect setting to don your newly-bought hat. Don't worry about the heat too much though because once your game is.



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