Suhom Waterfall in Aceh - Indonesia

by 12:04 AM 0 comments

As one of tourist destinations in Aceh, lots of tourists visit the Suhom waterfall either local or foreign. Of course, that’s because of the natural panoramic views around the waterfall. Around the waterfall, tourists may find durian tree. Therefore, tourists who come there in the durian season can eat durian fruit. Besides becomes the tourist destination, its raging waterfall is harnessed for powerhouse.

This waterfall includes region Suhom Village and Kreung Kala village, Lhoong sub district, Aceb Besar Regency, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province. The location of this tourist area can be reached from Banda Aceh by taking public transportation that takes around one hour. The route that can be traversed is Banda Aceh – Calang (Aceh Jaya). While for the tourists who go there by their own vehicle, it only takes 45 minutes.

For the tourists who want to lodge, it would be better if they go to the city of Banda Aceh. Because, in this tourist area is not available for lodging house. But for tourists who like to spend the night in the wild, there is a location for camping. Tourists should bring food and beverage, because there is no food stall in the tourist area. However, they may find some food and beverage in the city of Banda Aceh as the nearest city.



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