Singkarak Lake, West Sumatra Indonesia

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Singkarak lake is situated in two districts; Solok and Tanah Datar, west Sumatera. It is located some 70 km from Padang and 20 km from the capital city of Solok. This lake has 107,8 km2 area and located an altitude 362,5m in the sea surface.

The visitors can enjoy the beautiful snenery, cool air, pure water good for swimming and fishing which is the charm of Singkarak lake. In this lake has fish spesies that can only life in this lake, peoples in this lake call " Ikan Bilih " (Mystacoleuseus Padangensis). This fish can not be cultivated in aquarium, pool or floating nets in the Singkarak lake.

So this lake very good for spend holiday, picnic, recreation and don't forget to eat delicious Bilih fish in various dishes.



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