Sikuai Island, West Sumatra Indonesia

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" SIKUAI " is a beautiful private island in West Sumatra, Indonesia. It basks in tropical weather all year long and is perfect for a peaceful getaway from the bustle of the city. Sikuai island is one of the most picturesque destinations in West Sumatra with its untouched forest leading to easily accessible white sand beaches all around the island.

Sikuai has a total area of 44.4 Ha - integrated with 54 rooms, restaurant, meeting room, swimming pool, sunset plaza and jogging track surrounding the island.

The Atmosphere
The island is rich with the nature of tropical rainforest and coral reefs. Relax and unwind at our white sand beach amidst the coconut trees and do not forget to catch the sunset from the Sunset Plaza viewpoint.

Sikuai is where the dream truly becomes reality - you will feel like you are on your own private island.

How To Get to Sikuai Island
From BIM Airport (Minangkabau International Airport - PDG) it is best to take a taxi or any other form of transport and ask them to go to " Dermaga Wisata Bahari in Pelabuhan Muara". Most people at the airport will know where that is in Padang.

It is about a 45 minute drive from the airport to our office at Dermaga Wisata Bahari. Following the check-in guests can relax and wait for the departure at AW Resto. Sikuai island is located 23 km from Padang and takes about an hour to reach by our boats (less than half an hour if using a speedboat).



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