Rampoe Festival, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam - Indonesia

by 12:16 AM 0 comments

This festival is a living expression of traditional dances, which are scattered on the west coast, east and highlands in Aceh. In this festival, dance Seudati, saman, and Rapai head will appear simultaneously. The dancers come from 23 counties and cities. It is estimated that there will be 874 dancers from all over Aceh that will enliven the Festival Rampoe. The festival is centered at the Queen Park Safiatuddin, Banda Aceh.

All three traditional dances outside Aceh public interest and is the fundamental integrity of the Acehnese in the current era of globalization.

Traditional dance is a cultural asset of Aceh which has received international recognition. With Rampoe Festival, it is hoped the existence of the three dances that will be maintained. Therefore, he hoped Rampoe Festival has become an annual event. Because, in the presence of this festival is able to maintain the integrity of traditional Acehnese dance.

Moreover, he added, the festival can be a multicultural cross-ethnic Acehnese adhesive existing on the east coast, west coast and in the highlands.



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