Medan, North Sumatera: Breeding the World’s Largest Crocodile

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You want to see as much live alligator tail 2800, came to the location of the crocodile’s enclosure Muk Than Lo, 80, on acid Beetle, Kecamatan Medan Selayang, Jalan Bunga Raya II of Medan, North Sumatra. Not only the views of considerable numbers, in captivity, there is a crocodile whose age 32 to 50 years.

Breeding area is an area of one hectare is more, by the owner in this area have built 78 captive alligators tub and a half acres of land where the lake created a kind of living freely in the water and climbed into the back surface of the lake has been fenced with a long wall about 3 feet tall as a barrier with area villages in the vicinity. To be seen by visitors of this lake was given iron fence safety nets. According to the tourists who had come to visit, this is the largest crocodile in captivity in the world of traditional managed.

buayaAs a tourist attraction that has been recognized by Pemko Medan, breeding is seen very rude, breeding is managed in ordinary houses, is quite simple, as simple Than Lo household with his wife Muk Lim Hiu Cu with her two children Robert Lo (30) and Robin (28 ).

Large population makes the owner became concerned in providing food for the crocodiles that requires a ton of fresh meat every day while only relying on sources of financing admission price from visitors including trainer fees, maintenance and care. We need at least 1 million fund for the cost of feed per day, it was not all prey to feed the crocodile get every day from the dead cattle are generally chickens and ducks. For residents of Medan with cattle cattle, buffaloes, pigs and goats that die are usually brought to the place of this captivity.

To reduce the population in the year 2008 as many as 100 fish alligator has been sent to Jakarta and alligator eggs hatched by the owner no longer but in personal consumption as food dishes daily. Many enthusiasts crocodile came to buy a crocodile, but the owner did not sell because these animals only to be maintained and banned by the government for sale. Unfortunately for the government is still minimal assistance to help the maintenance and conservation of crocodiles.

buaya2Muk Than Lo did not expect at all, captive crocodile tail developed into 2800. At first he was just fun to maintain a small alligator tail 12 which is obtained from rivers in the city of Medan. From there then crocodile and breed in captivity eventually he opened in 1959 and had fame before the year 1998 as a flagship tourist attraction of Medan. Muk Than Lo was born in East Aceh on March 11, 1928 have long gone leaving a legacy of a crocodile breeding area following it, and now the two children continued conservation efforts are the crocodiles.

On a typical day this place is devoid of visitors, especially on holidays holiday holidays great this place was still crowded visited ecotourism want to see alligators. Visitors can enjoy feeding the crocodile done once a day at 17.00 pm. In addition, at a cost of 30 thousand dollars to buy food which has been prepared by the owner of your own could feed into these crocodiles. Other entertainment at this place, a charmer named Supriyadi will conduct a crocodile attraction with a baboon (monkey) to pay 50 thousand dollars and you can take pictures along with a crocodile and sat on it.
If you are the darling of Medan actually if not come visit this place.



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