Maninjau Lake, West Sumatra

by 7:21 PM 0 comments

Danau Maninjau or Lake Maninjau, meaning ' to look out across', is a volcanic crater lake located 38km west of Bukittinggi. Situated at 461m above sea level, the air is cool and pleasant. The lake is 17kms long and 8kms at it's widest and reaches to depths of 480m in some places.

Lake Maninjau is one of the top travel destinations in Sumatra. A peaceful, relaxing place to sit and relax and enjoy the views of the lake.

The road from Bukkittinggi offers some spectacular views of the blue lake and surrounding hills. On the way down there are terraced rice fields. There are quiet a few coffee shops perched on the hill to stop and enjoy the view.

There are 44 hairpin turns on the journey down to the lake from the top of the mountain. Each of these turns are conveniently numbered on cigarette advertising billboards.

Danau Maninjau or Lake Maninjau, meaning ' to look out across', is a volcanic crater lake located 38km west of Bukittinggi. Situated at 461m above sea level, the air is cool and pleasant. The lake is 17kms long and 8kms at it's widest and reaches to depths of 480m in some places.

Lake Maninjau West Sumatra Indonesia

Lake Maninjau is one of the top travel destinations in Sumatra. A peaceful, relaxing place to sit and relax and enjoy the views of the lake.

View of Lake Maninjau

The road from Bukkittinggi offers some spectacular views of the blue lake and surrounding hills. On the way down there are terraced rice fields. There are quiet a few coffee shops perched on the hill to stop and enjoy the view.

View of Lake Maninjau

There are 44 hairpin turns on the journey down to the lake from the top of the mountain. Each of these turns are conveniently numbered on cigarette advertising billboards.

Hairpin turn on the way down to Lake Maninjau

About a third of the way down the road is lined with small monkeys waiting for fruit or food to be thrown from passing cars. These are wild monkeys and should not be approached too closely as they are vicious.

On the other side of Lake Maninjau, directly across from Maninjau village are some hot volcanic springs, close to the village of Mukomuko.



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