Batang Gadis National Park, North Sumatra - Indonesia

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Batang Gadis National Park is formed through a process of initiation of the aspirations of local communities. Mandailing community has long run the local wisdom that still survive to this day. Traditionally the community has to protect natural forests and water resources and use natural resources wisely, for example through the ordinances, restrictions depths, spatial banua / huta, sacred places 'naborgo-Borgo' or 'harangan rarangan' (ban forests) that should not be disturbed and destroyed. In view of Mandailing community life, water is a 'spring of life' that lace-rigging with social institutions, cultural, economic and ecological, and should be protected existence.

TNBG formation can be interpreted also as a recognition of the country and strengthening of local traditions that have kept people Mandailing natural forest and water resources over the years. The establishment of local conservation initiatives driven by the desire of the parties to save the remaining natural forests and relatively intact in the province of North Sumatra and managed better, in order to bring long term benefits for local communities and local governments and the wider community on urnumnya. The establishment of new conservation areas in the province of North Sumatra is increasingly important given the degradation rate of destruction of natural forests in the province in a situation of concern, due to the problems of unsustainable use of forests and forest mismanagement in the past.

Batang Gadis National Park is administratively located in the District of Mandailing Natal (Madina) of North Sumatra Province which covers 15 districts and in contact with approximately 70 villages. TNBG geographically located between 99 ° 12 '45 "up to 99 ° 47' 10" longitude and 0 ° 27 '15 "up to 1 ° 57' N. The name of the park comes from the name of the main river that flows and splitting Madina district, the Batang Gadis. Batang Gadis National Park covers an area of ​​108,000 hectares or 26% of the total forest area in the Madina district and located at an altitude range of 300 to 2145 meters above sea level with its highest point at the peak of Merapi volcano Sorik. Batang Gadis National Park covering an area of ​​108,000 hectares, made up of Forest Protected Areas, Forests and Forest Production Limited Production Equipment.

Batang Gadis National Park is a mountain range that has the potential diversity of flora and fauna are high, is the habitat of protected animals such as Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae), Tapir (Tapirus indicus), Honey Bear (Helarctos malayanus), orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) Angkola race, Siamang (Hylobates syndactylus), various species of birds and others, in addition to its function as water catchment areas and rivers in the upper district Mandailing Natal and South Tapanuli, thus play a role in the hydrological sustainability in the region; also has a beauty interesting nature, with cool air and there are a variety of natural attractions with huge potential to be developed into natural tourism area.

Exploration potential of nature tourism activities can be performed in conjunction with regional security activities (patrols, operations), the inventory of biological resources and other activities in the field. One potentially very valuable today for the utilization of natural attractions is the beauty / panorama Sorik Merapi volcano has a height of 2145 masl, where there is a crater lake is quite captivating. This potential has a fairly easy access from the Capital District, the city Panyabungan. Sibanggor Julu Village which is the entrance to the object of Mount Merapi Sorik also has its own peculiarities. In the village there's also the traditional houses are thatched roofed and residents can also see the presence of hot springs / geothermal. In addition to exploring the potential of nature tourism in the park, it is necessary also to perform data collection potential / existing natural attractions in the villages around the area a national park.



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