Attractions in Jakarta

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Indonesia is one of the most beautiful countries in South East Asia. You must know that this country has so many islands. The amount is thousands and each island has its own greatness. For addition, the tropical weather that this country has will definitely make it great for you to spend your holiday. There are so many tourism resorts that you can choose to spend your holiday and it is guaranteed that your holiday in Indonesia will not be forgotten. Well, to make it simpler for you to have the description about the greatness of this country, let us take the example of one of the places that you should visit when you have vacation in Indonesia. The name of the place is Jakarta. You must know that this city is actually the capital city of Indonesia.

By considering that fact, you will have the assumption that you will face metropolitan city. Well, such thing is very true. However, there are also so many other great things aside from the metropolis condition. You can still find so many traditional attractions and cultures there. For addition, there are so many places that will definitely satisfy your desire in spending your holiday. Firstly, let us take the example of Monas. Well, this kind of thing can be said as the iconic matter for Jakarta even for Indonesia. It is like a high tower in which you can go up there and look Jakarta from the height. The scenery will definitely be great for you. You also need to know that at the top of Monas, you can find some kind of statue which is in the form of flame. Such statue is made from gold. That is why Indonesian people are definitely proud of Monas. This is definitely the place that you must visit if you go to Jakarta.

The next example is the area in Jakarta which is called Kota Tua. In English, it can be called as Old City. There, you can see the beautiful and exotic architecture of the building which is the leftover of the colonialism period. Historically speaking, Indonesia was colonized by Netherlands. The colonialism happened for more than 300 years. At that time, Netherlands made Jakarta which was called Batavia as the center of the colonialism. That is why there are so many buildings which have European architectural style when you visit Jakarta especially in Kota Tua. If you visit this area, you can also enjoy riding bicycle around the area. However, the bike that you are riding is not the usual bike but the antique one. Thus, you will be able to feel that you are living in colonial period. That will definitely bring some kind of amusing and sentimental feeling to you especially if you are a tourist from Netherlands.

If you are seeking for the more cultural tourist objects in Jakarta, you can visit Museum Wayang or the Puppet Museum. Once you visit this place, you can learn about the traditional and the unique culture of Indonesia. There, you can find so many kinds of the puppet and how to play it. You will learn that this kind of culture contains rich value. It will be really great for you. You can enjoy the exoticism of the puppets and you can also learn about something new which is related to the culture of Indonesia. Well, actually, there are still so many other places that can be visited. However, it seems quite impossible to talk all about them in this point. Hopefully, the explanation that has been mentioned before about the various tourism resorts in Jakarta can attract you to visit this city. You will find the kind of holiday that you have never had before. You will never regret your visit if you decide to go to Jakarta.



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