Visit to Borobudur

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Indonesia has got many unique visitor destinations and historical places to visit, and Borobudur that located in Magelang, Central Java, is one of Indonesian treasures. This temple which has got approximately 504 Buddha statues, 2.672 reliefs, and 123 x 123 metres extensive area, was built without cement and made of big stone blocks were used. The Borobudur temple was built in the 9th century while Sailendra Dynasty had got glorious authority, and listed as one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It is also declared as the most settled Buddhist reliefs among all Buddhist temple in the world, and even though the temple had been buried by volcanic ash, it is still stay strong. Therefore, full many a time foreign and domestic visitors come to see this archaeological temple.

The name of Borobudur was made from two ancient words. The first word is Bara, a word from Sanskrit which means monastery. Another word is Beduhur, an ancient Javanese word that means above. This magnificent temple is divided into three parts based upon the cosmology of Buddhist. They are Kamadhatu, Rupadhatu, and Arupadhatu. The Kamadhatu is the lowest level of the temple. It describes the world of eagerness, and covered by an additional wall before finished. It is possibly to prevent from sliding because of age or weather. The second part of Borobudur temple is Rupadhatu, it explains the transitional of releasing physical and earthly. The last part or the highest level of this miraculous temple is Arupadhatu. This level describes the kingdom of God and richness. When you arrive in this temple, just start from the lowest to the highest level in the purpose that you could feel the its greatness, because while walking up to the top you will see a lot of narrative old reliefs on its wall.

Kedu Basin, a small beautiful green hill where the Borobudur temple were built, surrounded by some wondrous volcanoes. If you could see to the North of this hill, you could find Sumbing and Sindoro volcanoes. Then, if you turn your eyes to the East, you could see the famed Merbabu and Merapi volcanoes. The temple is also near to the encounter place of Gangga and Yamuna symbolic rivers, Elo and Progo rivers. If you fancy seeing its wonderful valley, just walk up to the highest terrace of this Buddhist temple.

This tourist destination will not make you to spend too much money, because the price to enter the temple is quite cheap. In addition, this place is not too far from Semarang and Solo, where these cities have got international airports and many options of places to stay. Therefore, foreign people would enjoy the temple without any worry. Bring your camera, take some photos with them and gain a lot of historical descriptions from its reliefs while exploring the Borobudur temple. By all means, visiting Borobudur temple is filling your historical knowledge needs or killing your boredom because of your stress either. Bring all relatives, classmates, or co-workers to relish this most famous Indonesian Buddhist temple and UNESCO World Heritage Site.



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